Sunday, September 27, 2020

Bombay blood

              Bombay blood 

      hh or Bombay blood is a rare type of blood. This group first discovered in Bombay in 1952 by Dr.Y.M.Bhinde. This blood group mostly found in India sub-continent and parts of middle-East. 

People who have this phenotype can donate their Red blood cells to ABO types. But such rare blood group like Rh nill not accept this phenotype. This blood group people can donate only but other ABO type blood cannot receive to the people. 

In 2017 one columbian man wants to trans fuse the hh blood. The hh blood is important from Brazil for him. In India one person in 7,600 to 1,000 is bron with this type. This is rare type of blood they will take care of their health also.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Rh null blood

                 Rh null blood 

        The surface of the blood cells is coated with up to 342 antigens whose determines the person's blood type. In 1961, a woman had this rarest blood group identified in Australia. By 2010 nearby 43 people had this blood group in worldwide.  This blood group is called as "Golden blood". 

This blood type people are Universal Donors. They can donate blood but it doesn't cross boards. It has many procedures to cross. Many countries didn't allow it. This blood type has no side effects or healthy complications.  However because of the rarity of their blood they need to be extra careful.

Bombay blood

              Bombay blood        hh or Bombay blood is a rare type of blood. This group first discovered in Bombay in 1952 by Dr.Y.M.Bhinde...